
Inbound Lead Enrichment Intel

Let your sales reps focus on closing and leave the qualifying leads to us.

Intelligence TypeField NameDescription
Account IntelligenceCompany IDOceanFrogs Company ID
Company NameCompany name found publicly used, most commonly used
Company HQCompany Headquarter Country
Linkedin IndustryIndustry as specified on Linkedin
GICS IndustryIndustry as per global industry classification system
NAICS Industry CodeIndustry Code as per NAICS Standard
Employee CountEmployee Count Range
Revenue (USD)Revenue Range
Website Urlwebsite url of the main headquarter website
Parent Company NameName and HQ location of the parent company
Company DescriptionThis field provides more infromation about the company - generally about their products, services, customers, and industry.
IntentCompany IDOceanFrogs Company ID
Company NameCompany name found publicly used, most comonly used
Website Urlwebsite url of the main headquarter website
Intent CategoryHigher level of Intent group. For example, datawarehousing will be put in one group.
Intent keywordLow level of intent name.
Evidence LinkValidation proof of the data
TechnographicsCompany IDOceanFrogs Company ID
Company NameCompany name found publicly used, most comonly used
Technology CategoryHigher level of technology group. For example, datawarehousing technologies will be put in one group.
Technology NameLow level of technology name.
Technology Evidence LinkEvidence on technology presence within the company.
Earliest Trace DateEarliest date when technology was traced in this company.
Software Renewal DateEstimated date of renewal
Latest Trace DateThe latest date when technology was traced in this company.
Footprint AnalysisCompany IDOceanFrogs Company ID
Company NameCompany name found publicly used, most comonly used
Website Urlwebsite url of the main headquarter website
City NameCity where team is located
Team NameName of the team present in each companies
Contact IntelligenceCompany IDOceanFrogs Company ID
Company NameCompany name found publicly used, most comonly used
Linkedin IndustryIndustry as specified on Linkedin
GICS IndustryIndustry as per global industry classification system
Company DescriptionThis field provides more infromation about the company - generally about their products, services, customers, and industry.
Headquarter CountryCompany Headquarter Country
Website Urlwebsite url of the main headquarter website
Employee CountEmployee Count Range
Revenue (USD)Revenue Range
First NameFirst name of the buyer as found on public sources
Last NameLast name of the buyer as found on public sources
Profile DesignationDesignation, Seniority, functionality of the profile on public sources
Profile Linkedin URLLinkedin URL of the profile
Profile CountryCountry where the profile works
Email AddressCorporate Email address
Verification Status LinkVerification status (success/catch all/two step verification)
ProductsWhat products are they selling ?Products being sold so that you can pitch accordingly.
SolutionsWhat solutions are they selling ?Solutions being sold so that you can pitch accordingly.
SpecialitiesWhat do they offer to their clients ?Specialities described by the company on Linkedin
FundingFunding AmountFunding data refreshed every month
Funding RoundFunding data refreshed every month
Funding YearFunding data refreshed every month
AppographicsMobile App NameMobile App name on Google Play Store
Product CategoryProduct Category on Google Play Store
# of Downloads# of Downloads on Google Play Store
Product Sub-CategoryProduct Sub-category
Company IDCompany ID in OceanFrogs
Company NameCompany Name as available on public domain
Partner IntelligenceCompany IDOceanFrogs Company ID
Company Name
SolutionsSolutions offered by the company
ProductsProducts offered by the company
Industries Being ServedIndustries Being Served offered by the company
Revenue RangeRevenue Range offered by the company
Employee CountEmployee count range
HQ LocationHeadquarter location of the company
Geographics Being ServedGeographics being served by the company

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you validate technology intelligence?

Remove Noise: Data sources have noise as well as signals. @RevoGraphics has identified the noise patterns over the last few years.
– For example, the data source is a job board, and the job posting is by a recruiter. OceanFrogs Engine will separate it.
– For example, IT services use technologies for their clients and not necessarily for themselves. @Reprographics treats IT services separately. It goes deeper to identify the non-IT teams that are using the software.

Estimates and not facts: Many of our data points are estimates and not facts. For example, the renewal date is estimated based on data science models, not surveys.

How do you procure technology intelligence ?

Entire data at @Revographics is procured through external sources (press releases, job postings portals, millions of company websites). We do not steal any data from LinkedIn or another prohibited source.

How do you validate contact intelligence?

Automated Way: @Revographics pings the server and specific email address. It is accomplished using third-party APIs. These are the three most used APIs:
– Neverbounce
– Zerobounce
– Verify-Email

Manual Way: @Revographics sends emails using tools such as SendGrid, Sendx or Mailgun. Emails that do bounce are sent to be fixed.

How do we engage with clients?

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