Stop commoditization of B2b sales data/intel field.
1. You have made data affordable but it has increased spam. Inside sales teams are outreaching to more than 10K+ people a day, spraying in the era of ABM. It does not serve good to anyone including you.
Here are the disadvantages –
1. Google, Linkedin has taken advantage of this situation, will penalize folks who spam, and will encourage paid marketing using Google/Linkedin Ads.
2. B2B GTM teams are not doing homework, using advanced filters, and account intelligence as much as they were doing it 2 years back.
3. B2B Sales Intel vendors are forced to focus more on automation than using Intelligence. Automation at high scale reduces response rate. We have all seen that in our lifetime.
4. Outbound is crucial to GTM of thousands of businesses. They are not inbound. Outbound was and is the most cost effective way/lead for them.
Action that you must take:
1. Build a sustainable business, Earn from customers, Stop raising $100 million every year.