I would have to tell you a 3 pillar story to answer that. Are you reading it for another few minutes ?
These are the stakeholders who need a story:
1. Investors
2. Future Customers
3. Employees
4. My 11 year old
SaaSBoomi and Upekkha sessions cover well that you need to have a story or a positioning or a value prop in your customer discussions. Ashwin Ramaswamy has told us in sessions about that.
Question to address in this post is – Should the story continue when we go to demonstrate the product ?
First question, obviously to ask is – When should we demo the product ? At OceanFrogs, we do it only when we have built enough trust with the customer, has heard him/her out.
We go one step further. OceanFrogs is built on 3 pillars/punches. Coverage, Accuracy, and Intelligence. We use 3 pillars/punches to decide on roadmap, marketing, website copy, and training.
We make sure that we convey this to future customers and in demos. Most of the questions are on these 3 topics and hence these 3 pillars.
When we jump to the demo, we don’t go in the flow of sign in, settings, click here and there.
We go in the order of brand pillars.
1. Coverage – We share the ways the platform provides the highest coverage, better than competition.
2. Accuracy – We move to the second pillar when the first pillar is taken care of. It also helps product specialists demonstrate the product.
3. Intelligence – Storytelling art is needed to demonstrate the product (as well). This helps you organize the presentation. Customers are able to relate the slides to the platform easily.
How do we figure out these pillars:
1. Most of the pillars are derived from the questions that customers ask.
2. Pillars also come from G2 crowd feedback, complaints, negative reviews from competition analysis.