
8 Must-Haves in a nurturing email

A nurturing email is sent to keep in touch with your leads. They aren’t ready to buy yet. Anyway, in B2B, sales cycles are often long. It is important to follow up with your potential customers, and keep them aware of your presence. That’s why you need to send nurturing emails.

How would you make the potential customers open your email out of the hundreds of emails that they receive in a day? What will make your email stand out?

Check-List that your Email must have :

An Interesting Subject Line

A personalized subject line showing either urgency to open or some fact or humour or something else of interest to the recipient.

Greeting + Receiver's name

Greet with a ‘Hi’ or a ‘Hello’ followed by the name of the lead. It’s very important to personalize the email. It creates a one-to-one connection between you and the receiver of the email.

An Ice-Breaker:

Begin the email body with an ice-breaker as unique as possible from the rest. It could be humorous , some facts, latest news or something amusing


Please add a lead magnet to the email. What would someone get out of reading your email? You need to provide value. Lead magnet can be an informative case study, latest report in the industry, whitepapers, webinar invite, downloadable ebooks etc.

Call To Action (CTA)

Make sure that you only have one CTA in one email. However, you can have more than one CTA button to expect a higher click-through rate.


Keep the signatures simple with all the relevant information. Your name, designation, company’s website , social profile id and your phone number are sufficient.

Unsubscribe Button

After the signatures, you should always add an unsubscribe button at the bottom of your email. This gives freedom to exit to those who don’t wish to hear from you. And, it saves your time and keeps your contact lists clean.

Physical Address

Mention your organization’s physical address, and phone number after the unsubscribe button. This helps in building trust to those, who you’re writing to for the very first time. Plus, in case, a lead is living close to your office location, then geographical proximity builds a connection.

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