List of Cricket wireless Customer

Technology Stack

Learn more about Key Technologies Cricket wireless

Name Industry EmployeeCount Headquarter Revenue Website Description
Momentum, Inc Construction 0-25 United States of America 1M-10M Momentum isn't a typical construction company, we are a true design-build firm. We work nationwide to help organizations achieve their goals through high performing buildings. Our integrated planning, design, and construction team maximizes project collaboration and makes the entire building process easier for our clients. We're a small business with a fun and engaging workplace. Our employees thrive in a tightly knit collaborative environment, and while we work hard towards delivering great projects for your clients we try not to take ourselves too seriously. If you are self-motivated with a good sense of humor and enjoy the small team dynamic we might be a great fit!
Clearlink Marketing & Advertising 1K-10K United States of America 100M-250M At Clearlink, we're building brands to simplify life's choices, for everyone. We help people find the products and services that improve their everyday lives.
Intellum Education 100-250 United States of America 1M-10M
Mobilelink Telecommunication 250-1000 United States of America 100M-250M Headquartered in Houston, Texas - Mobilelink is a rapidly expanding telecommunications company, with a workforce of over 650 corporate employees, that currently operates wireless retail stores across the United States. Mobilelink is one of the largest partners to major US Wireless Carriers in the United States. Mobilelink is in the midst of a vast expansion across the United States and will acquire and develop 100+ new retail stores, within our footprint and beyond, through acquisition and build-out in 2014. Mobilelink's workforce is growing in size, both domestic and internationally, and will expand to 1,000 plus employees during this exciting time. For more information on Mobilelink and how to join our growing organization - please follow our company LinkedIn profile and check our Career Postings often. Mobilelink values and honors our workforce with an atmosphere that promotes career growth, work / life balance and recognition for being the best wireless provider in the industry.
Wireless Revolution Telecommunication 100-250 United States of America 50M-100M
Elite Wireless Telecommunication 0-25 United States of America Unknown
GreenLight Mobile Accounting 0-25 United States of America Unknown
Crown Wireless Corp Unknown 25-100 United States of America Unknown

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More from FAQs

How do we know that this information is accurate

Technologies data come from sources that can be traced back and checked. Front end technologies are used for long and can be checked later on also.

How often do you update this intelligence ?

We update this intelligence every month.

What Insights are available ?

Our platform provides their location, technology intelligence, decision makers, touch points to build relationships with them, and their investment.

why is it better than competition ?

Our algorithms analyze the product information available, analyzes it throughly, check for discrepancies, remove outliers, check their intent to engage, their technology usage.

How do you know the Technology spend ?

We use data as teams working on the specific technology, tools being used. Some tools are for migration, others are for security, compliance, heavy usage.

What is the source of intent data ?

We harness websites, news, job postings, team structures, and annual reports to fetch data. This data then goes through transformation, processing, cleansing, labeling exercise.

Does this data come with intent data ?

Yes, Technology data always comes up intent data.

Do you capture one or more technologies

Every Technology/software has a family. For example, AWS will have AWS RDS, AWS Lambda. We will provide information on all of them.

How does OceanFrogs do it?

Unlike tools that just provide you standard fields, we combine data & intelligence to customize your lead generation & campaign messaging.

We can do it because we have:

Companies investing in Technology

Technology Intelligence

3000+ Intent topic

Recommended Touch Points

Linkedin Automation

Account Research Including their office locations, investment by location

Contact List

CRM Integration

Technology Spend

Contact us
  • USA :
    # 1254, Monte Dr Milpitas California 95035
  • India:
    #D505, Salarpuria Sanctity, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, 560035
  • Email :
    [email protected]